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What is YaS☀️lR ?

YaS☀️lR is an Arduino / ESP32 firmware for Solar Routers, compatible with most of existing and easy to source hardware components.

If you have a Solar Router at home built by yourself or someone else, there is a good chance that YaS☀️lR will be compatible.

A Solar Router allows to redirect the solar production excess to some appliances instead of returning it to the grid. To work properly, it requires to be connected to a resistive load, such as the resistance of a water tank, because the application will adapt the power sent to this resistance by reducing or increasing its voltage.

A router can also do more things, like controlling (on/off) the activation of other appliances (with the grid normal voltage and not the dimmed voltage) in case the excess reaches a threshold. For example, one could activate a pump, pool heater, etc if the excess goes above a specific amount, so that this appliance gets the priority over heating the water tank.

A router can also schedule some forced heating of the water tank to ensure the water reaches a safe temperature, and consequently bypass the dimmed voltage. This is called a bypass relay.

YaS☀️lR Vision

YaSolR is built with this vision in mind:

A Pro version (which includes the use of some commercial libraries) is also provided to get even more features and support.

YaS☀️lR Features

🚧 means In Progress

Up to 2 Routing Outputs

A routing output is connected to a resistive load and controls its power. Each output is composed of:

Each output supports the following features:

Up to 2 Relays to connect additional loads

Relays can be uses to commute (on/off) a load based on a threshold. Features for each relay:

Grid Power Measurement

Measuring the grid power is essential to know how much power is available to route. The measurement device needs to support 2-way measurement: positive power when importing, negative power when exporting and eventually positive and returned energy counters. Supported measurement methods:

Thanks to power measurement, the router also provides these features:

Note that the JSY-MK-194T has 2 channels, so it can be used both to measure the grid power but also to measure the total routed power of the router (2 outputs combined). It cannot be used though to independently measure each router output.

Home Automation Systems

The router exposes a lot of statistics and information through MQTT and REST API and provides a very good integration with Home Assistant or other home automation systems. The router can be completely controlled remotely through a Home Automation System.

Monitoring and Management

Additional components can be installed in the router box:

Networking features

Pro features

The Pro version is based on ESP-DASH Pro and provides a better Web interface from which the router can be completely configured and managed. THe Free version is based on ESP-DASH OSS and is just showing the overview page. The configuration can still be done online through a “Debug Configuration” page.

Alternatives and Inspirations

This project was inspired by the following awesome projects:

Solar Routers based on RobotDyn AC Dimmer (or similar TRIAC based systems)

Solar Routers based on Random SSR

Solar Routers supporting Burst Mode
