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Date: 2024-11-07


The JSY-MK-194G from Shenzhen Jiansiyan Technologies Co, Ltd. is an update of the JSY-MK-194T.

This JSY version is totally compatible with the previous one and is supported by the MycilaJSY library, which supports and automatically discovers these JSY models:

Zx pin (Zero-Cross)

The JSY is still using the RENERGY RN8209G chip.

The Zx pin exposes the zero-cross signal of Renergy RN8209G.

When the JSY is powered by +5V, the Zx pin will output a 5V square pulse with a pulse width of 20 ms for 50 Hz and with a rising edge synchronized with the zero-cross of the grid.

Applications of the Zero-Cross pin

Having a Zero-Cross capability on the JSY is very interesting for many applications like Solar routers. They usually rely on poorly made devices such as RobotDyn which contains a TRIAC coupled wth a bad ZCD circuit. To replace such device with a more reliable Random SSR, one would need to add the missing piece: a Zero-Cross Detection circuit.

Now that the JSY has one, it is possible to build a Solar routeur using a precise phase control with only a JSY-MK-194G and a Random SSR.

For that to work, the logic to triggering the SSR should happen before the voltage passes the zero point, which is usually what is happening in a normal ZCD circuit.

Example with the RobotDyn: its pulse is centered around zero, so the event is triggered before the zero is crossed, so that the micro-controller has the time to react and set the command for the next semi-period.

But in the case of the JSY-MK-194G, rising edge happens exactly at the zero-cross. So the difference is that:

We can see below with a 100 us / div timebase that the rising edge of the JSY-MK-194G Zx pulse is at the zero-cross positive point (shifted around 100 us on the right). So the micro-controller will have to trigger the ZC event at the zero-cross negative point, and shift the timer to the left by ~ 200 us.

Hopefully, for you I have made a library, MycilaPulseAnalyzer, which is capable of analyzing Zero-Cross pulses and this library is meant to detect automatically different kind of pulses:

And soon this library will be able to detect the Zx pulse from the JSY-MK-194G, and automatically sync the Zero-Cross interrupts.