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Date: 2024-09-05

I’ve put the YaSolR project in pause for a few days to work on this very cool and awesome Home Assistant / Shelly integration…

Home Assistant Diverter / Router

What is a Solar Router / Diverter ?

A Solar Router allows to redirect the solar production excess to some appliances instead of returning it to the grid. The particularity of a solar router is that it will dim the voltage and power sent to the appliance in order to match the excess production, in contrary to a simple relay that would just switch on/off the appliance without controlling its power.

A Solar Router is usually connected to the resistance of a water tank and will heat the water when there is production excess.

A solar router can also do more things, like controlling (on/off) the activation of other appliances (with the grid normal voltage and not the dimmed voltage) in case the excess reaches a threshold. For example, one could activate a pump, pool heater, etc if the excess goes above a specific amount, so that this appliance gets the priority over heating the water tank.

A router can also schedule some forced heating of the water tank to ensure the water reaches a safe temperature, and consequently bypass the dimmed voltage. This is called a bypass relay.

Home Assistant Solar Diverter Features

It is possible to further enhance with temperature sensor, relays, etc, all managed from Home Assistant.


Download, doc and screenshots are at:


All the components can be bought at, except the voltage regulator, where you can find some links on my website

Shelly Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Gen3 Shelly Plus Add-On Temperature Sensor DS18B20 Voltage Regulator
- Loncont LSA-H3P50YB
- LCTC DTY-220V40P1

Some additional hardware are required depending on the installation. Please select the amperage according to your needs.

See also YaSolR Build page for some references and heat sinks.


The wiring is quite simple and can be done by anyone with some basic knowledge of electricity.

It is the same as for the Shelly Solar Diverter.


Mode OFF



Example when running with a setpoint of 1000 W

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